Environmental disasters

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Hurricane Andrew

Presents a comprehensive survey of Hurricane Andrew in the Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana from August 22 to 26, 1992, and examines the death toll and damage left behind, its effect on the natural environment, how and why hurricanes develop, and more.
Cover image of Hurricane Andrew

The ozone hole

Presents a study of the ozone layer, what it is and how it protects the earth, the effects of chlorofluorocarbons, and products that have caused damage to the ozone shield.

Los Alamos wildfires

Describes the events surrounding the wildfire that raged in New Mexico in 2000 and the resulting debate over the policy of prescribed burning, or purposely setting fires as a means of forest management.


cyanide spill
Discusses the disastrous year 2000 overflow of a Romanian reservoir that held heavy metals and cyanide, pouring the deadly mix into rivers that feed the Danube and killing all living creatures in its path.

Love Canal

pollution crisis
Traces the history and eventual cleanup of the ecological disaster known as Love Canal, which resulted from building a neighborhood over a chemical dumpsite that poisoned the environment and endangered the health of residents.

Exxon Valdez

oil spill
Describes the oil tanker Exxon Valdez, the events that led up to its disastrous oil spill in 1989, and the effects of the spill on the Alaskan environment.


nuclear disaster
Discusses the disastrous 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine.


chemical plant accident
Presents an account of the 1984 chemical accident at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, and its aftermath.

Atmosphere in danger

Presents a study of the atmosphere of the earth, the global effects of the destruction of the rain forests, air pollution and global warming, the ozone layer, and acid rain.


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