Environmental disasters

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Hurricane Andrew

Discusses a catastrophic event and its devastating effects on society with a time line of events before, during, and after the disaster.

The Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption

Presents a comprehensive study of the Mount St. Helens eruption that took place on May 18, 1980 in Washington State, and describes the events leading up to it, how the eruption affected the surrounding communities, and the serious health and environmental effects.

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster

Presents a comprehensive survey of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union on April 26, 1986, and examines the radioactive fallout that extended to most of Europe, the Soviet cover-up, and the long-term effects on the people and the environment.

The Exxon Valdez oil spill

Presents a comprehensive survey of the Exxon Valdez oil spill which occurred off the coast of Valdez, Alaska in 1989, and examines the immediate danger and damage to the environment, who was responsible for the disaster, and the steps that have been taken to prevent such an accident from happening again.

The Kuwaiti oil fires

Examines the massive oil fires set by retreating Iraqi troops in Kuwait during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, and describes the effects on the people, economy, and environment of the entire region and how scientists continue to track pollution levels and health histories.

The San Francisco earthquake

Chronicles the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and its aftermath, presenting details on several individuals who were there, and describes how earthquakes are recorded and measured.


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