biological invasions

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biological invasions

Controlling invasive species

An introduction to invasive species that explains how they appear in an area, how humans play a role in spreading and controlling them, and the problems they can cause for plants and animals that are native to a habitat.
Cover image of Controlling invasive species

Invasive animal species

"Foxes, rabbits, mongooses, rats, starlings, turtles, Burmese pythons, and Asian carp are just a few of the invasive animals introduced by people into countries and ecosystems to which they do not belong. This important book describes how these animals are destroying habitats and endangering the lives of native animals, some of which have been brought close to extinction. Students will learn how some arrived accidentally on boats, while others were brought in by people, to be used either as a form of pest control on farms, for hunting or hobbies, or as pets that sometimes get abandoned in the wild by owners. Many native animals, such as raccoons, squirrels, and coyotes have also become invaders in cities, back yards, and homes. Students can research invasive species in their areas and help find ways to stop these wild invaders from taking over the natural habitat."--Provided by publisher.

Eating aliens

one man's adventure hunting invasive animal species
Jackson Landers relates his experiences hunting invasive species and discusses how eating them can be beneficial.

Invasive reptile and amphibian species

Reptiles and amphibians can be scaly, slimy,and crawly—and some can be invasive!.

Invasive mammal species

Cats, rabbits, and goats may seem harmless, but they’re actually invasive species! These animals are just some of the mammal invaders covered in this engaging educational text.

Invasive species in a changing world

Contains seventeen essays in which various authors discuss issues related to the invasive species phenomenon, considering the dimensions of the problem, and societal impacts; and providing examples of how the introduction of invasive alien species has impacted different regions of the world.

Biological invasions

economic and environmental costs of alien plant, animal, and microbe species

Alien species in North America and Hawaii

impacts on natural ecosystems
Examines the danger posed by the introduction of alien plant and animal species to the natural ecosystems of North America and Hawaii, and looks at what can be done to reduce the threat.

Out of Eden

an odyssey of ecological invasion
Describes the invasion of species from one ecosystem to another and the ensuing effects on the native plant and animal life.

What can we do about invasive species?

Explains various plants and animals that have taken over areas and have damaged the ecosystem. Offers ideas on how one can help control invasive species. Includes photographs and side-bars.


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