biological invasions

Topical Term
biological invasions

Super species

the creatures that will dominate the planet
Explores the biological characteristics of various species of plants, animals, and fungi that are excellent at adapting to new environments and are capable of changing ecosystems around the world. Outlines the potential positive and negative benefits of invasive species and features full-color photographs throughout.

Alien invasion

invasive species become major menaces
Helps children understand the damage invasive species can inflict on the environment and the economy, explaining how invasive plants, animals, and other organisms move to new habitats, destroying parks, gardens, lakes, and streams.

The threat of invasive species

An introduction to how invasive species threaten local wildlife populations, the causes of the invasion, and what efforts are being made to reduce their impact.

The 10 most destructive ecosystem invaders

Profiles ten animals and insects that have been introduced to ecosystems around the world with devastating results.

Aliens from Earth

when animals and plants invade other ecosystems
Explores how and why plants and animals enter ecosystems to which they are not native, as well as the consequences of these invasions for other animals, plants, and humans.

Invasion biology

Provides a comprehensive overview of the science of biological invasions, describing the health, economic, and ecological impacts of invasive species, as well as management strategies.

Exotic species

invaders in paradise
Examines the topic of species that have been introduced into a new environment and have subsequently harmed the established species. Included are starlings, zebra mussels, kudzu, and mountain goats.

Aliens from Earth

when animals and plants invade other ecosystems
Explores how and why plants and animals enter ecosystems to which they are not native, as well as the consequences of these invasions for other animals, plants, and humans.

Out of Eden

an odyssey of ecological invasion


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