daredevil (fictional character)

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daredevil (fictional character)

Here comes...Daredevil

Matt Murdock stands by his law partner and friend Foggy Nelson when he's diagnosed with cancer. Meanwhile, his greatest foe, Ikari, is being used by another more powerful enemy to bring Daredevil down.


Matt Murdock returns to New York only to land in more trouble as his Daredevil persona becomes mired in corruption charges, and his law practice is stifled just as it begins to get off the ground.

Here comes...Daredevil

When Daredevil comes in possession of an artifact known as the Omega Drive, which contains incriminating information on the criminal conglomerate known as Megacrime, he comes under fire not only from villains but from the Punisher as well, who hopes to take the drive and use it to strike at Megacrime himself.


When a piece of valuable technology goes missing from Horizon Labs and Black Cat is blamed, Daredevil and Spider-Man team up to clear her name and recover the device.

Here comes-- Daredevil

Avenger Hank Pym enters Matt Murdock's mind to fight sensory-deprivation robots implanted by Dr. Doom. Meanwhile, Murdock's best friend and partner ends their relationship. Murdock is doubting his own sanity when new villain the Coyote arrives in town.

Daredevil visionaries

Frank Miller
Presents issues 168-182 of the comic book "Daredevil," in which Daredevil comes face to face with Elektra, the love he lost after her father was killed, and who is now a vengeful assassin.
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