college student orientation

Topical Term
college student orientation

Choices for the high school graduate

a survival guide for the information age
Offers high school students who do not want to pursue a traditional college education an overview of the choices they have after graduation, featuring interviews with dozens of students who choose an alternate track in life.

Learning outside the lines

Two Ivy League students with learning disabilities explain how other learning disabled students can achieve academic success and find the support services they need to help them learn.

What to expect from college

a university president's guide for students and parents
Explores all aspects of universities and colleges and suggests how one might adapt to everything on the contemporary campus from fraternities to grades, from sex to the liberal arts.

On your own

Discusses Brooke Shields' program for learning to control your own life after high school upon leaving home for college.

The freshman survival guide

soulful advice for studying, socializing, and everything in between
Offers advice on how to deal with some of the challenges encountered by college freshmen, including roommates, homesickness, sex and dating, mental health, studying and time management, alcohol and drugs on campus, healthy eating, and finding help when needed.

College rules!

how to study, survive, and succeed in college
A practical guide to surviving college, with tips on handling stress, study skills, text-taking skills, balancing studies and social life, and staying motivated.


Collects eighteen essay which provide varying perspectives on issues concerning college, debating how high school students should prepare and decide where to enroll as well as the factors that influence a student's ability to attend.

The naked roommate

and 107 other issues you might run into at college
Contains a guide to attending college, from finding friends, and going to class, to taking notes and college living, and provides advice from students on over one hundred college campuses.

Navigating your freshman year

Top students and recent graduates from leading colleges and universities offer advice to incoming freshmen on how to handle the ups and downs of the first year of college, discussing homesickness, classes, extra-curricular activities, partying, dating, and other topics.

Getting through college without going broke

Top students and recent graduates from leading colleges and universities offer specific advice on how to pay for college, avoid unnecessary debt, and manage available funds.


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