college student orientation

Topical Term
college student orientation

Living the college life

Provides practical advice for college freshmen on such topics as roommates, food, sleep, money, choosing a major, academics, and relationships.

Campus confidential

the complete guide to the college experience by students for students
An insider's guide to surviving college and making the most of the experience that offers advice on how to choose the right college, adjust to campus life, pick a major, and find a job after graduation.

The launching years

strategies for parenting from senior year to college life
Provides parents with tips and advice designed to help them successfully guide their children through their senior year of high school through the beginning years of college, discussing some of the most common challenges teens face during that period.

The real freshman handbook

a totally honest guide to life on campus
Provides advice from twelve college students on how to survive freshman year, discussing roommates, course selection, money, health, jobs, sex, drinking, and other issues.

College rules!

how to study, survive, and succeed in college
A guide to surviving college that includes true stories about students who learned some of the biggest lessons about college and life the hard way, tips on improving study habits, advice on using the computer, and advice from students of all ages and walks of life.

The smart girl's guide to college

a serious book written by women in college to help you make the perfect college choice
A series of essays in which women offer guidance to prospective female college students by relating their own experiences at different types of schools.

My college tips

written by a college student, for college students!

The real freshman handbook

an irreverant & totally honest guide to life on campus
Provides advice for surviving the freshman year of college from students only two years up the road, discussing roomates, course selection, money, health, jobs, sex, drinking, and other pertinent issues.

The ultimate college survival guide

Straight-talk advice and stories from the authors and college students on the experience of starting college, including what to take, making your money last, inexpensive entertainment, campus jobs, and coping with pressure.

Campus visits & college interviews

a complete guide for college-bound students and their families
Presents practical advice and checklists for students and parents going on college campus visits and college interviews, explaining what to look for and providing such tools as lists of questions to expect and to ask, and tips for the shy person.


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