college student orientation

Topical Term
college student orientation

1001 things every college student needs to know

(like buying your books before exams start)
Lists over one thousand things high school graduates need to know about college success, grouped in thirty-one categories that cover preparation, roommates, finances, classes, reading for content, cheating and plagiarism, studying, time management, faith, and other topics.

The all-in-one college guide

Contains a helpful guide for parents and prospective college students in selecting the right college, finding the money for tuition and expenses, and increasing the chances of being accepted.

The naked roommate's first year survival workbook

the ultimate tools for a college experience with more fun, less stress, and top success/
The Naked Roommate's First Year Survival Workbook is your personal roadmap to creating and living your own very best college experience. Based on the bestselling book, The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College, this guidebook is the ultimate companion for a student looking to have the most successful and productive first year. Harlan Cohen, the most trusted voice on the college transition, and expert instructor Cynthia Jenkins give you ways to evaluate your expectations, interests, and concerns about college life, and then track them against the real deal as you make your way through the exciting, surprising, and, yes, sometimes difficult first year experience..

Seventeen ultimate guide to college

everything you need to know to walk onto campus and own it!
Gives advice for young women on college life, including saving money, hookups, and getting along with roommates.

I'll miss you too

the off-to-college guide for parents and students
Offers practical tips for college students and their parents to keep a strong and healthy family relationship going through the college years.

Uchic college girls

real advice for your first year (and beyond)
Offers female college freshman hundreds of practical tips on finances, roommates, sororities, technology, classes, relationships, and healthy living while in college.

College success for students with learning disabilities

strategies and tips to make the most of your college experience
Offers information and practical advice for college students with learning disabilities, covering transition planning, advocacy, preparation, academics, university life, and other related topics, and including resources.

The everything college checklist book

the ultimate, all-in-one handbook for getting in--and settling in--to college!
Getting ready to go to college? Muchnick has put together valuable checklists that will help you keep track of campus visits, scholarships, health care paperwork and financial aid. It's the ultimate guide for making a smooth transition into college life.

Gender on campus

issues for college women
Examines a variety of gender issues that affect college women, offering a definition of feminism, and discussing sexism in the genderless classroom, women and sports, homophobia, eating and body image, rape and sexual assault, politics, and other topics.


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