Enriched classic

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Treasure island

While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads them to a pirate's fortune and great danger.
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A tale of two cities

Presents Charles Dickens's classic novel set in London and Paris during the French Revolution and includes explanatory notes, an author chronology, a historical time line, a theme and plot outline, contemporary and modern critical analyses, discussion questions, and a list of related books and films.
Cover image of A tale of two cities

The story of my life

Presents a chronology of the life and works of Helen Keller where she describes the challenges of being both deaf and blind and the many obstacles she had to overcome, and contains background information, historical timeline, explanatory and textual notes, and critical essays.
Cover image of The story of my life

Sister Carrie

The story of a young woman from Wisconsin who goes to Chicago, becomes an actress, marries and goes to New York, and when her husband loses his job, goes onstage again; and includes historical context, explanatory notes, excerpts of criticism, discussion questions, and other study tools.
Cover image of Sister Carrie

Silas Marner

Embittered by a false accusation and disappointed in friendship and love, the weaver Silas Marner retreats into a life alone with his loom and his gold. Fate steals his gold and replaces it with a golden-haired foundling child.
Cover image of Silas Marner

The prince and the pauper

The boy King, Edward VI of England, and a poor boy accidentally change places.
Cover image of The prince and the pauper

Pride and prejudice

A spirited young woman in early nineteenth-century England must cope with the courtship of a snobbish gentleman, as well as the romantic entanglements of her four sisters. Includes background information, an outline of key themes and plot points, notes, and other study aids.
Cover image of Pride and prejudice

The pocket Aristotle

Provides a brief summary of each of Aristotle's main fields of philosophy followed by Aristotle's explanations.
Cover image of The pocket Aristotle

The picture of Dorian Gray and other writings

A collection of writings by Wilde including the classic story of a young man whose portrait ages with time while he remains youthful; and contains chronology of the author's life and work, explanatory and textual notes, and critical analysis.
Cover image of The picture of Dorian Gray and other writings

The origin of species

Presents Charles Darwin's influential text in which he argues that species change over time, evolving or dying out entirely, through the process of natural selection.
Cover image of The origin of species


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