Enriched classic

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A Tale of two cities

Presents Charles Dickens's classic novel set in London and Paris during the French Revolution and includes explanatory notes, an author chronology, a historical time line, a theme and plot outline, contemporary and modern critical analyses, discussion questions, and a list of related books and films.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunk, and Jim, an escaped slave, make a break for freedom down the Mississippi River on a raft. Includes background information, key themes and plot points, notes, and other study aids.


Presents the eighteenth-century social satire of a gentle and kind man who is thrashed by fate and his fellow man yet continues to believe that he lives in "the best of all possible worlds." Includes background information, explanatory notes, author chronology, and critical analysis.

The good earth

The story of a Chinese peasant and his passionate, dogged accumulation of land during famine, drought, and revolution.

The call of the wild and B??tard

Tells the story of the magnificent dog Buck, who is a loyal pet until cruel men make him a pawn in their search for the gold of the Klondike, where he breaks free and becomes the leader of a ferocious wolf pack. This edition includes the short story B??tard.

Ethan Frome

Ethan Frome, a poor farmer in nineteenth-century Starkfield, Massachusetts, sets off a devastating chain of events when he falls in love with the vivacious Mattie, cousin of his sickly, demanding wife. Includes background information, an outline of key themes and plot points, explanatory notes, and other study aids.

This side of paradise

Presents F. Scott Fitzgerald's bildungsroman about a handsome, wealthy Princeton student named Amory Blaine, whose experiences with love, war, and poverty lead him to self-realization; and includes a contextual introduction, critical excerpts spanning 1919 through 1988, and commentary on the novel by Fitzgerald himself.

The importance of being earnest and other plays

Contains three plays by nineteenth-century Irish author Oscar Wilde, featuring the title work about a man who, as a child, was absent-mindedly placed in a handbag and left at the railroad station.

The story of my life

Presents a chronology of the life and works of Helen Keller where she describes the challenges of being both deaf and blind and the many obstacles she had to overcome, and contains background information, historical timeline, explanatory and textual notes, and critical essays.

Les mis?rables

Presents Victor Hugo's classic novel about convict Jean-Valjean who struggles to escape his past in a world of poverty and ignorance during the French Revolution; and includes explanatory notes, chronology of the author's life and work, critical analysis, timeline of important events, and an outline of key themes and plots.


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