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Weather cycles

This title introduces readers to basic weather cycles, including seasonal changes and the effects of geography on local climate.

The ultimate kid's guide to weather

"Welcome to Earth's atmosphere, where all weather happens! With . . . photos of Earth's wildest weather, easy at-home experiments, and fun activities, this is the only guide kids need on their journey of learning about precipitation, lightning, thunder, tornadoes, and so much more"--Back cover.

34 amazing facts about weather

"Earth's weather is constantly changing. Readers will discover . . . facts about lightning, heat waves, blizzards, and more in this fun, high-interest book"--Provided by publisher.

Play in any weather

"Let's play outside! Rain, wind, snow, or sun, nothing can stop playtime. This engaging high-color high-contrast Indestructibles title contains black and white patterns with vibrant colors, perfect for the way babies see in their early stages, and introduces the concept of weather"--.

20 things you didn't know about weather

Earth's weather and natural disasters are important topics in the early elementary curriculum, but they're also dazzling, high-interest subjects that are sure to wow readers of all ages. Text about storms, blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more is accompanied by amazing photographs of weather phenomena. Where is the rainiest place on Earth? Which hurricane earned the nickname 'Frankenstorm'? How hot is a bolt of lightning?.


Provides an overview of droughts, including how they form, the most extreme events in history, and how science and technology help keep people safe.

What is weather?

Throughout history, people have both worshipped and feared the weather for its tremendous power. Weather has a role in culture, economies and even in how people interpret the concept of time. Weather is such an integral part of the daily routine that most people forget how truly powerful of a force weather actually is. Chances are, you check the weather quite often. If you play sports, have an outdoor school activity, or are planning an outing with your family, the weather is a factor. Even though the weather dictates a great deal regarding how we live our lives, very few of us stop to truly understand what weather actually is. This book teaches the six fundamental aspects of weather, and each book in The New Weather series provides very interesting information about everything you have ever wanted to know about weather and climate. Readers can explore how scientists study the weather, learn about weather-related careers, and explore some of the most extreme weather on our planet.

Extreme weather

Extreme weather can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. More and more, extreme weather events are in the news. From hurricanes to heat waves, this book studies the most fascinating extreme weather events of all time and outlines the powerful forces that drive them. Learn about both blizzards and blazing hot temperatures, but also learn about weather events you may never have heard of. For example, do you know what a haboob is? This book covers everything from firenados to fata morganas, so be sure to read it from cover to cover. You can amaze your friends with all your extreme weather knowledge about some of our planet's most interesting phenomena. Each book in The New Weather series provides very interesting information about everything you have ever wanted to know about weather. Readers can learn weather fundamentals, explore weather-related careers, and learn how scientists study the weather.

Amazing weather facts

Have you always been fascinated by the weather? If so, you could study the weather at a university. This fantastic book gives readers an overview of weather study. From fundamentals of meteorology to the latest state-of-the-art weather instrumentation, this compelling volume highlights how the weather is studied on land, in the oceans and even in space. You can even do your own experiments from home. Weather is such an integral part of the daily routine that most people forget how truly powerful of a force weather actually is. Why not study that powerful force of nature every day? Each book in The New Weather series provides very interesting information about everything you have ever wanted to know about weather. Readers can learn weather fundamentals, explore weather-related careers, and be amazed by some of the most extreme weather on our planet.

Weather and climate around the world

"Each area of the world has a different climate and experiences different weather. For example, weather and climate are different in mountainous regions than in prairies. In the same region, it might be raining in one town but be clear and sunny in the next town over. This book explores just how different the weather can be from one place to another. It also exposes how weather affects the lives of people in different regions around the world"--Publisher.


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