Presents the first part of Geothe's classic play in which Mephistopheles and God make a bet that Faust cannot be tempted, but Faust is more than happy to exchange his soul after he dies for the myriad of pleasures the devil can provide him while he is alive.
Translates early nineteenth-century German dramatist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's masterpiece, "Faust," about a highly educated man who bargains his soul to gain the ultimate measure of knowledge and power.
A reworking of the Faust legend in which sixteenth-century scholar Johannes Faust trades his soul to an alien Mephistopheles in exchange for knowledge, and brings the world to the brink of nuclear extinction.
Presents the complete text of "Dr. Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe, and includes an interpretive introduction and biographical sketch of the playwright.
Dr. Faustus, an aging scholar, agrees to sell his soul to the devil in exchange for youth, knowledge, and a stunning mistress, but Mephistopheles has to step in and clinch the deal when Faustus shows signs of regretting his decision.