Presents the script of the sixteenth-century drama about a scholar who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge and power; and includes an introduction, a history of the play on stage, and a bibliography.
Presents the script of the sixteenth-century drama about scholar who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge and power, with an introduction to the play, its stage history, textual problems, and historical and cultural context.
a two-text edition (A-text, 1604; B-text, 1616) contexts and sources criticism
Marlowe, Christopher
Presents the complete text to the seventeenth-century versions of Christopher Marlowe's classic play and includes explanatory notes, twenty-five critical essays, and chronology.
The author presents his version of the tragedy of Dr. Faustus, a philosopher who's life's work has been the pursuit of the "secret engine of the world.".