Stille, Darlene R

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trail of blood
Uses the fictional case of a missing man to detail the processes used by crime scene investigators to solve the mystery, with a focus on what can be concluded from blood found at the man's home.
Cover image of C.S.I.

The science of gym class

more than just dodgeball and sweatpants
Explains how numerous science concepts are at work during gym class, looking at forces and energy, muscles, balance, and more; and provides instructions for testing some of these concepts.
Cover image of The science of gym class


Shares what archaeologists have learned about the appearance, appetite, and behaviors of the allosaurus, and looks at theories about why dinosaurs became extinct.


Explores the science behind heat including energy, the Sun, and friction.
Cover image of Heat

Simple life forms

Photographs, illustrations, and simple text describe the importance of single-celled life forms, where they are found, and specific examples of their life cycles.


Photographs, illustrations, diagrams, and simple text explains the role that genes play in passing individual traits from one generation to another.

Classifying living things

Examines the characteristics of living things and how they are classified into various groups, and describes the five main kingdoms of life.


Photographs, illustrations, diagrams, and easy-to-follow text introduce students to the structure and function of cells, the differences between plant and animal cells, the wide variety of cell types, the role they play in life, and other related topics.


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