Stille, Darlene R

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El aire

afuera, adentro y en todos lados
Learn about the air around you, and find out about oxygen, the atmosphere, gases, and pollution.

La materia

mira, toca, prueba, huele
The states of matter (solids, liquids, and gases) are explained and demonstrated. Includes an experiment to try.

La energia

calor, luz y combustible
The forms of energy are discovered, including chemical energy, kinetic energy, and solar energy.

The journals of Lewis and Clark

Discusses the importance the journals of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were during their exploration of the West and how their writings were able to describe new plants and animals for scientists.


outside, inside, and all around
Presents an introduction to air, explaining its role in life on Earth, and discussing what is in air, how to feel air, and the importance of keeping air clean. Includes experiments and a glossary.

Puerto Rico

Provides an introduction to the geography, natural resources, history, government, economy, important sites, daily life, and people of Puerto Rico; and includes tips on visiting the commonwealth; related projects, a time line, a glossary, fast facts, a biographical dictionary, and resources.


push and pull, fast and slow
Provides information about how and why things move, and includes fun facts, a related experiment, and a glossary.


heating up and cooling down
Provides information about temperature, explaining how it is measured, where heat comes from, how things get hot or cold, and how to stay warm. Includes an activity and glossary.

Freight trains

Provides an introduction to freight trains, discussing the purpose of different types of train cars, looking at the train track and wheels, and including a glossary and list of resources.

Big rigs

Photographs and simple text describe what it is like to drive large trucks and semis.


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