Thirteen-year-old Mai and her family embark on a dangerous sea voyage from Vietnam to Hong Kong to escape the unpredictable and often brutal Vietnamese government.
Examines the history of Vietnam, discusses political conditions in the country, and looks at the experiences of Vietnamese refugees, their immigration, social adjustments, employment, and contributions to American culture.
In the late 1960s, sixteen-year-old Lam Hung guides an American platoon through South Vietnam, but seeing as how Lam was once a member of the Viet Cong, his job leading the men around the dangers hidden in the jungle might not be as difficult as earning the men's trust.
Explores Vietnamese immigration to the United States from the 1960s to the present, and looks at the contributions of Vietnamese Americans to the culture of the United States.
After the end of the war in Vietnam, a young boy's grandfather dreams of restoring the wetlands of the Mekong delta, hoping that the large cranes that once lived there will return.