Natalia, a young doctor on a medical mission to an orphanage in the Balkans, ponders the mystery of her beloved grandfather's recent death. She finds the answers she seeks in the story of an abused deaf-mute woman in the village of his childhood who formed a bond with a tiger that escaped from the zoo following the German bombardment in 1941.
Natalia, a young doctor on a medical mission to an orphanage in the Balkans, ponders the mystery of her beloved grandfather's recent death. She finds the answers she seeks in the story of an abused deaf-mute woman in the village of his childhood who formed a bond with a tiger that escaped from the zoo following the German bombardment in 1941.
A history of the Balkans, focusing on the events and processes within and outside the region that have played a significant role in the shaping of the Balkan countries and the world's perception of them.
Discusses the history of the Serbian people from the Middle Ages through 1997, analyzing the actions and beliefs of contemporary Serbs and the events that led to the outbreak of war in Yugoslavia in 1991.
Describes the wars that erupted in Yugoslavia in 1991, soon after the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War, and discusses the events that led to the clash between ethnic groups in the Balkans.
A two-volume set containing articles from "The New York Times" which profile the major events, key figures, and social, economic, and political changes which have affected the history and development of Southeastern Europe in the twentieth century.