balkan peninsula

Geographic Name
balkan peninsula

Bosnian flat dog

A graphic novel that examines the traumatized Balkan landscape and the Bonsian men and women whose lives have been forever altered by the region's violence.

The Balkans

a short history
Presents a concise history of the Balkans that takes to task popular late twentieth-century theories that promote nonintervention in Balkan disputes, and also includes a chronology, several maps, and a bibliography.

The dancing goddesses

folklore, archaeology, and the origins of European dance
Discusses the origin of eastern and southeastern European traditional dances and why Stone Age farmers devoted so much energy to the dances.

The Tiger's Wife

Remembering childhood stories her grandfather once told her, young physician Natalia becomes convinced that he spent his last days searching for "the deathless man, " a vagabond who claimed to be immortal. As Natalia struggles to understand why her grandfather, a deeply rational man would go on such a farfetched journey, she stumbles across a clue that leads her to the extraordinary story of the tiger's wife.

The tiger's wife

a novel
Natalia, a young doctor in route to an orphanage, learns of her grandfather's sudden death and the mysterious circumstances that led him far from home, and in her efforts to understand why her grandfather, a rational man, would choose to undertake such a journey leads her to uncover a story her grandfather never related to her about his childhood during World War II.


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