
Topical Term


A proud but decrepit lion learns a lesson about friendship from the vultures he despises.
Cover image of Eli

All tutus should be pink

Two little girls attend ballet class and eat strawberry ice cream afterwards.
Cover image of All tutus should be pink

The Berenstain Bears get in a fight

After causing a family commotion when they fight with each other, the Berenstain cubs learn that sometimes even the best of friends don't get along.
Cover image of The Berenstain Bears get in a fight

The secret language of girls

Marylin and Kate have been friends since nursery school, but when Marylin becomes a middle school cheerleader and Kate begins to develop other interests, their relationship is put to the test.
Cover image of The secret language of girls

Pink and Say

Chronicles the frienship of Pink, a fifteen-year-old African-American Union soldier, and Say, his poor white comrade, as one nurses the other back to health from a battle wound and the two of them are imprisoned at Andersonville. Based on a true story.
Cover image of Pink and Say

Evie & Margie

Best friends hippopotamuses, Evie and Margie, are surprised to experience jealousy when they try out for the same part in the school play.
Cover image of Evie & Margie

George and Martha round and round

Hippo companions George and Martha learn simple lessons about friendship in five adventures, in which the pair use their imaginations on a rafting trip, seek revenge for a hose soaking, frighten each other with scary stories, critique each other's artwork, and struggle over what to do with an unwanted gift.
Cover image of George and Martha round and round

George and Martha encore

In five brief episodes two hippopotamuses reinforce their friendship.
Cover image of George and Martha encore

Amber on the mountain

Isolated on her mountain, Amber meets and befriends a girl from the city who gives her the determination to learn to read and write.
Cover image of Amber on the mountain

A splendid friend, indeed

When a studious polar bear meets an inquisitive goose, they learn to be friends.
Cover image of A splendid friend, indeed


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