Passport to Narnia is a beginners guide to C.S. Lewis' classic Chronicles of Narnia offering a book-by-book synopsis of the series, and an in-depth look at the forthcoming movie series. Passport to Narnia also includes a biography of Lewis, along with interviews, photos, a guide to C. S. Lewis' England and more.
Myths, Mysteries, and Magic from "the Chronicles of Narnia"
Bell, James S
Presents a guide to reading "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis, providing trivia, games, facts, and informationon about Narnia, the author, and the first book in the series.
A collection of thoughts, notes, and reflections upon marriage, love, death, and grief written by the English author, C. S. Lewis after the death of his wife, Helen Joy Davidman.
essays and memoirs from the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society
White, Roger
Presents academic essays, memoirs and reminiscences from members of the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society, which has been meeting for over thirty years at the University of Oxford. Includes writings on Lewis's Cosmic Trilogy, a philosopher's final word on Lewis's arguments for Christianity, and a reverend's memories of conducting the marriage ceremony for Lewis and his wife.