Despite facing a host of problems, old and new, optimistic third-grader Sunny continues her quest to create a national Kid's Day and improve other holidays, especially the upcoming Valentine's Day, while bringing joy to those around her.
Willa prepares to spend another summer on Cape Cod with her boyfriend Joey Kennelly and planning weddings, but jealousy strikes Willa's love life, her friendship with Tina goes faint, and she has to deal with an insatiable bride.
While journeying to find a remedy for her mother's illness, Celia and her grumpy dog Brumble encounter strange and threatening characters who have never known kindness.
With the impending death of her mother, Kati, a young Thai girl, completes the puzzle of her past and discovers the reason that her mother gave her up as a baby.
While helping the Omega team track down the identity of the original thirteen zombies in New York City, Molly tries to keep her mother's secret and uncovers a sinister plan of the undead.
In a reversal of the classic bedtime story, a child helps her mommy get ready for bed, enduring pleas for one more book, five more minutes of play time, and a glass of water before the lights go out.
Through a series of poems, Rachel expresses her feelings about her parents' divorce, living without her mother, and her changing attitude towards her father.