Homerooms & hall passes

"In the mystical realm of Bri?ndal?r, every day the brave and the bold delve into hidden temples or forgotten dungeons, battling vile monsters and evil wizards to loot their treasure hoards for magic items. But in their free time, our heroes--Thromdurr the mighty barbarian, Devis the shifty thief, Vela the noble paladin, Sorrowshade the Gloom Elf assassin, and Albiorix the wizard--need to relax and unwind. That's why they meet up once a week to play Homerooms & Hall Passes: a role-playing game where they assume the characters of average American eighth graders. But when the five young adventurers are magically transported into their H&H game by an ancient curse, they must band together to survive their toughest challenge yet: middle school"--Provided by publisher.

Balzer + Bray
Cover image of Homerooms & hall passes


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