Food fight for Fiona

"Rainbow volcano cakes, glitter you can eat, and an effort to help end student hunger at Earhart Elementary are all part of the Geeky F@b 5's next adventure. As the girls dive into a frenzy of volcano cake baking, a new girl has just transferred into the GF5's class at Earhart Elementary. The Geeky F@b 5 befriends Fiona and her young brother, Freddy, who always seems to be hungry. In class and on a special field trip, the girls are learning about food: how to eat the rainbow, milk a cow, and discover not every student has enough food over the weekend. To help, the GF5 joins their school's annual student hunger drive to help stock the local food bank. Join in as the GF5 rallies behind their friends"--Provided by publisher.



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