Junko Tabei masters the mountains

". . . a historical novel based on the life of Junko Tabei, the first female climber to summit Mount Everest. Junko is bad at athletics. Really bad. She struggles in gym class and on short hikes. Other students laugh because they think she is small and weak. In fourth grade, her teacher Watanabe-Sensei takes her class on a trip to a mountain. It's bigger than any Junko's ever seen, and she's determined to make it to the top. After the trip, Junko becomes a mountaineer in body and spirit. She climbs snowy mountains, rocky mountains, and even faraway mountains outside of her home country of Japan. She joins climbing clubs and befriends fellow climbers as passionate as she is. Then, Junko meets her biggest challenge yet: the tallest mountain in the world"--Provided by publisher.

Rebel Girls, Timbuktu Labs


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