Alicia and the hurricane

a story of Puerto Rico = Alicia y el hurac?n : un cuento de Puerto Rico

"After snuggling into bed each night, Alicia listens for the big voices of the tiny coqu?es that live all around Puerto Rico and sing her to sleep. Ko-kee, ko-kee, the little frogs call. Ko-kee, ko-kee. One day a terrible hurricane comes to Puerto Rico, and Alicia and her family take refuge in a shelter. At bedtime Alicia hears grown-ups snoring and babies crying, wind howling and rain pounding. But even though she listens hard, she cannot hear the song of the coqu?es. Are the little tree frogs safe? And what will Alicia and her family find at home when the storm is over?"--Amazon.

Children's Book Press, an imprint of Lee & Low Books Inc.
Text in English and Spanish


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