Anne and her tower of giraffes

the adventurous life of the first giraffologist

"The remarkable true story of the world's first giraffologist. At three years old, Anne Dagg saw her first giraffe and never stopped thinking about it. Her desire to study the world's tallest animal followed her from preschool to graduate school, from Canada to South Africa. And often, people laughed at her quest. The scientific study of giraffes was non-existent at the time. And by a woman? Unheard of. But by following her love of giraffes, Dr. Anne Innis Dagg became a pioneer -- the first person to study animal behavior in Africa. Today, the world-renowned giraffologist is the author of many groundbreaking books about giraffe behavior and the subject of the acclaimed documentary The Woman Who Loves Giraffes"--Provided by publisher.

Kids Can Press
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Cover image of Anne and her tower of giraffes


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