
a bad god's guide to being good

"After one prank too many, trickster god Loki has been banished to live as a kid on earth. If he can show moral improvement within one month, he can return to Asgard. If he can't? Eternity in a pit of angry snakes. Rude! To keep track of Loki's progress, king Odin . . . gives him this magical diary in which Loki is forced to confess the truth, even when that truth is as ugly as a naked mole rat. To make matters worse, Loki has to put up with an eleven-year-old Thor tagging along and making him look bad. Loki is not even allowed to use his awesome godly powers! As Loki suffers the misery of school lunch, discovers the magic of internet videos, and keeps watch for frost giant spies, will he finally learn to tell good from bad, trust from tricks, and friends from enemies?"--Google Books.

Walker Books


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