Diet soda club

"Reed Beckett's little sister, Beatrice, has never been awakened by the smell of breakfast or a school-day alarm clock. Instead, she wakes to hospital beeps and poking doctors. Seventeen-year-old Reed has been there for Bea all along, especially since their dad died. But when their burned-out mom goes on an extended vacation with her new boyfriend, the siblings are left with only an empty pantry and each other. To get by, Reed begins making and selling fake IDs, joining his school's yearbook club . . . to gain access to the art-room printer. But the problems keep piling up, from an angry landlord demanding rent to looming medical bills. As Reed expands his business, taking increasingly bigger risks, the potential consequences become graver--for Reed's future, for Bea's health, and for Reed's budding friendship with his classmate Helena. But what choice does he have?"--Provided by publisher.

Candlewick Press
Cover image of Diet soda club


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