
Topical Term

New ideas from dead economists

the introduction to modern economic thought
"An entertaining and accessible introduction to great economic thinkers throughout history, now in its fourth edition, with updates and commentary on the 2020 'great cessation,' Trump and Obama economic policies, the dominance of Amazon, and many other timely topics"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of New ideas from dead economists

Lou Reed

the King of New York
"The most complete and penetrating biography of the rock master Lou Reed, whose stature grows every year"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Lou Reed

A distant mirror

the calamitous 14th century
Examines the history of fourteenth-century France as background to the life of Enguerrand de Coucy VII, one of the most prominent French knights of that time.
Cover image of A distant mirror

The best minds

a story of friendship, madness, and the tragedy of good intentions
"When the Rosens moved to New Rochelle in 1973, Jonathan Rosen and Michael Laudor seemed destined to become inseparable. The boys, both children of college professors, grew up on the same street in intellectually vibrant homes shaped by ideas, liberal Jewish culture, the trauma of the Holocaust, and a shared love of basketball and standup comedy. But the two best friends were also keen competitors bearing the same great expectations, and when Michael and Jonathan both got into Yale, they seemed set to ascend to the heights of the American meritocratic elite. Leaving Jonathan behind, Michael blazed through college in three years, graduating summa cum laude and landing a top-flight consulting job for far more money than their parents had ever made. But all wasn't as it seemed"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The best minds

Treacherous beauty

Peggy Shippen, the woman behind Benedict Arnold's plot to betray America
Recounts the true story of the wife of Benedict Arnold, Peggy Shippen, loyalist and driving force behind the conspiracy that nearly turned George Washington into a prisoner and changed the course of the American Revolution.
Cover image of Treacherous beauty

The new guys

the historic class of astronauts that broke barriers and changed the face of space travel
"The . . . story of the barrier-breaking NASA class of 1978, which for the first time consisted of a diverse crew of women, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and more, and their triumphs and tragedies working on the newly launched space shuttle program, with the exclusive cooperation of five astronauts"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The new guys

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

leadership, strategy, conflict
A biography of the former Turkish leader, Kemal Ataturk.
Cover image of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk


his epic life
A biography of Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti, discussing his career as a sculptor and painter from the from Renaissance to the Counter Reformation.
Cover image of Michelangelo

In extremis

the life and death of the war correspondent Marie Colvin
Shares the story of the war correspondent Marie Colvin, the woman who never gave up reporting in the war-torn Middle East, even after losing her left eye, witnessing many deaths, and more.
Cover image of In extremis


my story
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu tells the story of his family, his path to leadership, and his commitment to defending Israel and securing its future.
Cover image of Bibi


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