Benoit, Peter

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Climate change

Explains what climate change is and why it occurs, examines the problems caused by climate change, discusses what might happen if the climate change problem is not fixed, and looks at what is being done to fight climate change.
Cover image of Climate change

Ancient Rome

Presents the history and civilization of Ancient Rome, including detailed maps, sidebars, short biographies, and timelines.
Cover image of Ancient Rome

The U.S. Army in World War II

Introduces the U.S. Army of World War II, describing how soldiers were trained for combat, the kinds of jobs they had, and some of the challenges they faced.
Cover image of The U.S. Army in World War II

The Jamestown Colony

Presents an account of the founding and difficult early years of the Jamestown Colony and discusses why colonists traveled from England to North America, what struggles the colonists faced in the settlement's first years and who led the colony and helped it become a success.
Cover image of The Jamestown Colony

Brown v. Board of Education

Explains the history of the struggle for equal education in the United States and how the case Brown v. Board of Education and came to be and what impact it made.
Cover image of Brown v. Board of Education

The Haitian earthquake of 2010

Maps, a timeline, and photos provide an overview of the earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, exploring the devastation it caused, efforts to rebuild the country, and they ways people around the world worked together to help the victims.
Cover image of The Haitian earthquake of 2010

The attack on Pearl Harbor

Describes the history of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941 that drew the United States into World War II, and covers why United States leaders hesitated to join the war, why Japan decided to attack the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, and how the attack affected attitudes in the United States toward Japanese Americans.

The nuclear age

Details the history of the nuclear age, from the discovery of nuclear fission and the Manhattan Project to the Cuban missile crisis and the use of nuclear power.
Cover image of The nuclear age

The Confederate States of America

An examination of the Confederate States of America that explains why eleven states chose to break away and form their own country and how it contributed to the start of the Civil War.

The surrender at Appomattox

Describes significant people and events in the Civil War and examines Robert E. Lee's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox.


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