Benoit, Peter

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The Titanic

Provides a brief overview of the sinking of the RMS "Titanic," in 1912, describing the ship's collision with an iceberg, the safety precautions the ship had for passengers in the event of an emergency, and the rescue efforts to save the surviving passengers.

Climate change

Explains what climate change is and why it occurs, examines the problems caused by climate change, discusses what might happen if the climate change problem is not fixed, and looks at what is being done to fight climate change.

The Salem Witch trials

Text and photographs look at the seventeenth-century Salem Witch trials.

The Titanic disaster

Provides a brief overview of the sinking of the RMS "Titanic," in 1912, describing the ship's collision with an iceberg, the safety precautions the ship had for passengers in the event of an emergency, and the rescue efforts to save the surviving passengers.
Cover image of The Titanic disaster

The weapons of World War II

Looks at the weapons used during World War II in air and sea and on land.

Women's right to vote

Explores the history of women's suffrage and the difficulties and oppression women suffragists faced in the early days of their movement.

The space race

Examines the history of the space race between the USA and USSR, exploring how the advances in technology led to further advances in the way humans explored space.

The Salem witch trials

Presents the history of the 1692 Salem witch trials through primary and secondary materials. Discusses how they began, how the witches were tried, why the number of trials grew, and how the trials impacted history. Includes photographs, a list of notable individuals, a map, a timeline, a glossary, and further reading sources.

The Panama Canal

Explores the events surrounding the construction of the Panama Canal and details its aftermath. Reveals how the international shipping community was affected and charts the modern legacy of this event. Includes photographs, a timeline, a glossary, and additional reading sources.


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