Benoit, Peter

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The nuclear age

Describes the discovery of radioactivity in the late 1800s and traces the later development of plutonium and hydrogen to build powerful bombs. Chronicles the tension between the United States and Russia and the resulting nuclear race and depicts the investigation into the devastating potential of nuclear power which led to the creation of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Describes the dangers associated with nuclear energy and its effect on our environment and provides photos, a timeline, a glossary, and an index.

The Louisiana Purchase

Chronicles the historical background and political maneuvers that led to the Louisiana Purchase by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. Also discusses its exploration by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Includes color photographs, fact boxes, a map, biographical sketches, a timeline, a glossary, and additional resources.

The weapons of World War II

Introduces weaponry used in World War II, describing how fighter pilots worked, weapons used by soldiers on land, and how vessels at sea fought one another.

Tropical rain forests

Details the characteristics of tropical rain forests and spotlights the types of plants and animals that live in this environment. Features full-color photographs, a glossary, and further reading sources.


Describes the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, which marked the beginning of the end of World War II.

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is one of the most influential bodies of the U.S government. It has steered the nation s course on some of history s most important issues, including civil rights and the level of power granted to the federal government. Readers will learn how the Supreme Court is structured and how it operates. They will also examine several of the Supreme Court decisions that have had the greatest impact on the nation and its people.

The Boston Massacre

As tensions over taxation and a lack of government representation spread throughout Great Britains North American colonies, violent protests started to become common. On the evening of March 5, 1770, one of these protests resulted in the deaths of several Boston citizens at the hands of British soldiers.

Forms of government

Examines the different forms of government around the world, including the democracy in the United States, the theocracy in Iran, and the dictatorship in North Korea.

The Salem witch trials

Examines the infamous Salem Witch Trials in colonial Massachusetts, their aftermath, and their effects on the American psyche.

The Louisiana Purchase

Discusses the Louisiana Purchase, the biggest real estate transaction in United States history and how it has shaped our nation today.


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