ethical aspects

Topical Term
ethical aspects

Ethical chic

the inside story of the companies we think we love
Examines six companies whose corporate images are green, politically correct, and environmentally friendly and discusses how consumers can avoid being tricked by phony marketing. Includes chapter notes.

Poisoned legacy

the human cost of BP's rise to power
Traces British Petroleum's rise to power, revealing how their cost cutting measures, negligence, and deceit have caused serious environmental damage, destroyed family businesses, and killed people.

Choices under fire

moral dimensions of World War II
Examines the myth that World War II was fought without moral ambiguity, arguing that although it was a justified war, it was a conflict filled with painful dilemmas, uneasy trade-offs, and unavoidable compromises.

Sacred cells?

why Christians should support stem cell research
Three Christian theologians discuss their work with and advocacy of stem cell research and address ethical issues associated with it.

The ethics of human cloning

Explores the ethics of human cloning, and discusses what the recent scientific developments in cloning will mean for sexual reproduction and the family.

The ethics of organ transplants

the current debate
Contains over thirty articles from leaders in ethics, medicine, sociology, law, and politics in which they examine the issues surrounding the debate over human organ procurement and distribution.

Values of the game

Contains ten essays in which former basketball player and senator Bill Bradley reflects on the qualities that separate winners from losers, focusing on the importance of shared values among team members. history.

Abortion and unborn human life

Argues that abortion is never morally justified, implicating not only the pregnant woman, but the father, physician, and any other person who may help procure an abortion; and refutes claims that a fetus is not a person or a human being, and that abortion is not intentional killing.

Why dissection?

animal use in education
Offers an overview of issues surrounding animal dissection in middle school and high school, discussing legislation and regulation, teaching resources in the computer age, national versus state educational standards, and other related topics.


the ethics of engineering life
A guide to modern genetic technology and the myriad ethical issues it raises.


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