ethical aspects

Topical Term
ethical aspects

Doctors of conscience

the struggle to provide abortion before and after Roe v. Wade
Based on interviews with forty-five doctors who have provided or facilitated abortions, describes the desperation of women seeking abortions before Roe v. Wade and examines the political climate within the medical community since the procedure's legalization.

In the shadow of 'just wars'

violence, politics, and humanitarian action
Contains English translations of French essays which analyze eleven major world crises and the international response to them, and explore questions regarding humanitarian action, and the wisdom of having organizations connected to Western aggressors, highlighting some of the successes and failures of international response to crises and their humanitarian components.

Body brokers

inside America's underground trade in human remains
Exposes the underground trade in corpses and human body parts in the U.S. obtained for the purpose of education and research, a largely unregulated, and highly profitable business that often operates in the shadows.

The Gospel according to Disney

faith, trust, and pixie dust
Discusses the religious, moral, and theological themes in thirty-one Disney films, from 1937's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" to 2003's "Brother Bear," arguing that they teach Judeo-Christian lessons about faith, trust, and the "magical" elements of spirituality.

The hand of God

a journey from death to life by the abortion doctor who changed his mind
Memoir by Dr. Bernard Nathanson detailing his conversion from director of an abortion clinic and leader in the abortion rights movement to a supporter of the pro-life cause and believer in Christianity.

Hard choices, lost voices

how the abortion conflict has divided America, distorted constitutional rights, and damaged the courts
Provides an overview of the images, tone, and character of the debate over abortion, discussing the sociological, medical, historical, and legal aspects of the procedure; and traces the evolution of the Supreme Court's response to the abortion question.

Avoiding plagiarism

Looks at what plagiarism is, what its consequences are, and how to avoid it. Covers how to organize time and research notes; quote, paraphrase and summarize information; and properly document and cite sources.

Environmental ethics

Examines some of the questions most debated on issues relating to environmental ethics including ecosystems, nuclear power, genetic engineering, and more.


science & society
Contains nineteen essays in which the authors debate the issue of cloning, providing an overview of the topic, discussing human and animal cloning, and presenting a comparison of religions views on cloning, including Native American, Islam, and Orthodox Christianity.

The ethics of capital punishment

Presents a series of essays that discuss the moral and ethical controversy over capital punishment in America.


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