ethical aspects

Topical Term
ethical aspects

Mapping the code

the Human Genome Project and the choices of modern science
Describes the efforts to construct the complete human genetic code. Also examines moral and political concerns.

Be the change

your guide to freeing slaves and changing the world
Zach Hunter shares how he is trying to end slavery around the world, describing how he has enlisted powerful men and women around the world to aid in his fight for freedom for every man, woman, and child on Earth.

It's not about the bra

play hard, play fair, and put the fun back into competitive sports
The author provides important advice to young athletes about sportsmanship, playing, winning, and losing with grace, and having respect for the game, the team, and opponents and shares some of her own personal experiences and lessons learned in those areas.

Encyclopedia of ethics in science and technology

Contains over four hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about topics related to the ethics of science and technology, covering concepts and controversies, with profiles of significant people in the field. Includes references and further reading suggestions.

The rights of animals

Contains a collection of primary source documents by a variety of authors that illustrate all sides of the debate over the rights of animals.

Birth control

Contains twenty-three essays that provide varying perspectives on issues regarding birth control, debating how it affects society, who should control access to it, whether teens should have access to birth control, and what they should be taught about birth control options.

Upon the altar of the nation

a moral history of the American Civil War
Explores how the actions of both the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War can be judged against the enduring rules of society, and discusses how those actions impacted the way the war was fought.

Among the dead cities

the history and moral legacy of the WWII bombing of civilians in Germany and Japan
Examines World War II justification for the Allied bombing of civilians in Germany and Japan between 1942 and 1945, and explores in detail whether the bombings ever achieved their goal of stopping the enemy's ability to wage war.

Oath betrayed

torture, medical complicity, and the War on Terror
Reveals the role doctors, nurses, and medics at U.S. military hospitals in the Middle East played in the torture of Arab and Muslim prisoners by American military personnel during the War on Terror.

My joy, my sorrow

Karen Ann's mother remembers
Julia Duane Quinlan recounts her family's struggles to help their daughter, Karen Ann, die with dignity after being left in a permanent vegetative state, and explains why their private battle to shut off life support became a highly public controversy that changed the face of health care.


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