media programs (education)

Topical Term
media programs (education)

Helping teachers teach

a school library media specialist's role
Promotes the participation of the school library media specialist's role as an instructional consultant.

PowerPoint for teachers

dynamic presentations and interactive classroom projects (grades K-12)
A comprehensive guide that introduces the basic techniques of PowerPoint for teachers in all grade levels, offering suggestions for incorporating it into the classroom.

Multimedia learning stations

facilitating instruction, strengthening the research process, building collaborative partnerships
"Learn how to use rotating multimedia learning stations, employing databases, websites, education apps, videos, audio podcasts, online games, books, and more to build a strong, collaborative library program that helps you strengthen student understanding of the research process"--.

A 21st-century approach to school librarian evaluation

Provides school librarians an opportunity to engage in rigorous self-evaluation and to shape school administrator evaluations.

Library media skills

strategies for instructing primary students
Provides media specialists with strategies for teaching primary students how to use the library.

At the pirate academy

adventures with language in the library media center
Gives examples of thematic units as an approach to a library curriculum and activity program.

The library-classroom partnership

teaching library media skills in middle and junior high schools
Lessons for teaching library media skills incorporating junior high and middle school subjects.

Public relations for school library media centers

Collection of essays that provide varied perspectives on developing effective public relations programs for school library media centers.


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