media programs (education)

Topical Term
media programs (education)

Administering the school library media center

Focuses on the practical considerations of administrating a school library media center with new developments in organization and administration.

Leadership for excellence

insights of National School Library Media Program of the Year Award winners

Technology across the curriculum

activities and ideas
Offers a collection of teacher-tested classroom activities that incorporate the use of familiar media technologies, featuring fifteen suggestions each in the categories of video, photography/transparency, audio, computer, and multimedia.

The standards-based integrated library

a collaborative approach for aligning the library program with the classroom curriculum
Explains how teachers and library media specialists can work together to build library collections that complement curriculum and incorporate standards.

Connecting libraries with classrooms

the curricular roles of the media specialist
Explores the role of the media specialist in the curriculum, examining the collaboration of media specialists with classroom teachers, administrators, students, and the community, and discussing three areas of the curriculum, the needs of special student populations, and educational trends.

Lesson plans for the busy librarian

a standards-based approach for the elementary library media center
Presents more than one hundred library lesson plans, arranged by grade level from kindergarten through fifth grade, which are based on the AASL/AECT information literacy standards and cover various learning styles.

Curriculum initiative

an agenda and strategy for library media programs
Defines curriculum support services and identifies library curriculum objectives, and skills instruction.

The principal's guide to a powerful library media program

Offers school principals practical advice and strategies to help them develop an effective library media program, with an overview of the best library media practices and strategies for dealing with challenges.

Have you got what they want?

public relations strategies for the school librarian/media specialist : a reference tool
Ideas and suggestions for providing materials, services, displays, and programs, and how to promote them.

Information power

guidelines for school library media programs
Provides aid to school librarians with guidance to expand the access and use of information by students, parents, and teachers.


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