media programs (education)

Topical Term
media programs (education)

Cooperative learning activities in the library media center

Guide to cooperative learning activities in the library media center includes a section about cooperative learning and ready to use activities.

Library media projects for the gifted

Contains sample activities designed for gifted children including interdisciplinary projects, report writing, curriculum-related ideas, encyclopedia activities, etc.

Helping teachers teach

a school library media specialist's role
Describes the role of the school library media specialist as an instructional design consultant.

Supporting K-5 reading instruction in the school library media center

Discusses reading and the role of the school library media specialist at the kindergarten through grade five levels.

Achieving a curriculum-based library media center program

the middle school model for change
Presents information for library media specialists on planning, implementing, and evaluating curriculum-based library media center programs in schools, and includes sample outlines, program examples, and reproducible forms.


choose, use, enjoy, share : a model for educational enrichment through the school library media center
Describes a media center program that combines the teaching and use of library skills with language skills in a way that invites higher order thinking and student involvement in the creation of a product.

Leverage your library program to help raise test scores

a guide for library media specialists, principals, teachers, and parents
Discusses research on the role library programs can play in test scores and provides practical guidance for improving the effectiveness of one's school library for that purpose, explaining what administrators, teachers, and parents should know and expect.

Teaching library media skills in grades K-6

a how-to-do-it manual for librarians
Presents a comprehensive manual with accompanying CD on teaching library media skills to elementary students, covering book care, the parts of a book, the Dewey decimal system, and computer research.

Collaborating to meet standards

teacher/librarian partnerships for K-6
Reviews the history of cooperation and collaboration in school libraries since the 1990s, discussing the benefits of collaboration between library media specialists and teachers at the elementary level; and features a common template for use in planning collaborative units, as well as a selection of units contributed by teams across the U.S.

Flexible access library media programs

Guide for school librarians offering information on flexible library media programs that includes designing a program, cooperative planning, and implementing the program.


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