
"Pan's life used to be very small. Work in her dad's body shop, sneak out with her friend Tara to go dancing, and watch the skies for freighter ships. It didn't even matter that Tara was a princess... until one day it very much did matter, and Pan had to say goodbye forever. Years later, when a charismatic pair of off-world gladiators show up on her doorstep, she finds that life may not be as small as she thought. On the run and off the galactic grid, Pan discovers the astonishing secrets of her neo-medieval world... and the intoxicating possibility of burning it all down"--Back cover flap.

Cover image of Cosmoknights


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229349058367492289766477903188WCOH475T 424524GPX F TEM100016170249331709567815
234708358841852331766477903188RHBU401RHBU1384538GRA FIC TEM100016179818691736518457
236315358978682347766477903188WESP492WESP9918114GN TEM100016182294081736518457
267783661750192373766477903188CAH126CAS084850GN TEMP VOL 1116377825731736800991