children's atlases

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children's atlases

Children's atlas of the world

Maps and facts about the world's terrain, animals, populations, countries, and cities, continent by continent.

Animal atlas

Text, maps, and illustrations describe the various types of animals found in different natural environments throughout the world.

The Reader's digest children's atlas of the world

An atlas filled with physical, political, and regional maps includes an introduction to mapmaking and map reading and educational projects and activities.

Picture atlas of the world

Maps of the different regions of the world show their geographic, cultural, and economic features. Includes text describing the individual countries.

Children's illustrated United States atlas

A comprehensive, illustrated children's atlas of the U.S. that contains detailed maps of each state, state trivia, and references for school reports.

Children's illustrated world atlas

A comprehensive, illustrated children's atlas of the world that contains physical, political, and thematic maps, over 250 photographs, a time line, country flags and quick facts, and a glossary.

The Viking children's world atlas

an introductory atlas for young people
An introductory atlas focusing on the political and natural geography, as well as the industries and resources, of each of the different regions of the world.

The Military world

Eighteen map spreads show the military strengths of countries and alliances throughout the world.

The new millennium atlas of the United States, Canada & the world

Presents maps of the states of the United States, the provinces of Canada, and other countries of the world.

The alphabet atlas

Presents one or two facts about each of twenty-six countries of the world, one for every letter of the alphabet, and features illustrations made from many different fabrics, quilted, and turned into textile art.


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