
Topical Term

Hoggy at bat

"Now that this former ball hog has learned to be a team player, Hoggy's friends think he's a real catch. But Hoggy feels more at home on the basketball court than he does on the baseball diamond. He wants to hit the ball so flawlessly that it soars over the fence. Instead, it's a swing and a miss. When Hoggy strikes out, the pressure is on. Can he learn to relax and enjoy a fun game with his friends? Or will the pressure to win keep him from stepping up to the plate?"--Provided by the publisher.

The were-woof

Bella and her friends discover the real reason her foster puppy has so much energy.

The mouse who wasn't scared

Little Mouse wants to play in the woods. The woods are dark and full of big, scary animals. But Litttle Mouse isn't afraid of anything, is she?.

Dr. Seuss's thankful things

In simple rhyming text, Thing One and Thing Two from Dr. Seuss's "The Cat in the Hat" celebrate all the things they are thankful for.

Big problems, little problems

Dad counsels Sam not to sweat the small stuff, and later Sam gives that counsel right back to his panicky dad. This is a story about a secret handshake, life's daily challenges, the wisdom of kids, and love triumphing over frustration.

Something happened in our park

standing together after gun violence
Miles wants to move away after his cousin Keisha is accidentally shot in their neighborhood park, but Keisha and Miles' father work with others to make their community a safer place.

Pug's new puppy

Bub the pug and his human, Bella, are taking care of Nana's new puppy, Harlow. They can't wait to teach Harlow some new tricks! But training a puppy isn't an easy job. Will they be able to teach Harlow anything before Nana comes home?.

Camila the soccer star

Camila is ready to be a soccer star, but her soccer team, Las Estrellas Fugaz, has lost three games in a row. When it comes to soccer, it takes teamwork to become stars. How will Camila and the other shooting stars come together to earn a win?.

Old Turtle

questions of the heart
When the people have deep questions about life, death, and how to find happiness, they journey to find Old Turtle, and she answers their questions with wisdom and love.

Ben Yokoyama and the cookies of chaos

While attempting to return a lost wallet to its owner, Ben tries out different life philosophies inspired by his friends, family, and fortune cookies.


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