energy conservation

Topical Term
energy conservation

What to do when your mom or dad says-- turn off the water and the lights

Instructs children on energy conservation in the home, including such steps as turning off the water and appliances when not using them.

Earth's energy

Explains what energy is and how it is generated, looks at how energy is used, and offers tips to young people on how to be energy savers.

Keesha's bright idea

Keesha's plans to save energy in her household conflict with her brother's band rehearsals, until they find a way to work together.

Energy resources

use & conservation
Presents an introduction to natural sources of energy, explaining what life was like before the discovery of electricity and providing information on the use of nonrenewable fossil fuels such as coal and oil, global energy consumption, and other topics.

Homes & cities

Examines energy use in homes and cities and the effects of building design and city planning on energy conservation.

Our energy, regaining control

a strategy for economic survival through redesign in energy use

All about the conservation of energy

A discussion of energy conservation, explaining what young people can do to help save energy, and looking at sources of renewable energy, including the sun, wind, and moving water.

The carbon diaries 2017

In 2017, two years after England introduces carbon dioxide rationing to combat climatic change, Laura chronicles her first year at a London university as natural disasters and political upheaval disrupt her studies.


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