energy conservation

Topical Term
energy conservation

Future sources

Discusses sources of energy using wind, water, solar, and atomic power which will meet the world's needs after oil, gas, and coal resources are exhausted.

Conserving energy

Identifies energy conservation issues and possible solutions, suggesting positive actions for individuals, families, and local groups.

Energy resources

use & conservation
Explains what life was like before the discovery of electricity, describes the use of nonrenewable fossil fuels such as coal and oil during the Industrial Revolution, discusses increasing global energy consumption and ways of conserving energy, and shows how to make a solar-powered oven.

Sheila says we're weird

Sheila comments on her neighbors' energy-saving habits, like using a wood stove in the winter and drying clothes on a clothesline instead of in the dryer, but she likes their home-grown fruits and vegetables and enjoys making popcorn on the wood stove with them.

Saving energy

earth's resources
Details the processes by which electricity is produced and examines how various fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas form beneath the Earth's surface. Discusses how to save energy and preserve the Earth for the future and features numerous step-by-step activities throughout. Includes full-color photographs, a glossary, and further reading sources.

Energy and conservation

Discusses the present and future status of energy sources in America, focusing on natural gas, oil, solar power, and nuclear energy.

Miss Pickerell tackles the energy crisis

When the antique car fair parade is called off because of the energy crisis, Miss Pickerell campaigns vigorously for the use of a fuel substitute thought up by her nephew.


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