energy conservation

Topical Term
energy conservation

The solar house

passive heating and cooling
An overview of natural conditioning that explains how to use passive solar techniques to heat and cool homes and offers tips for choosing a cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly backup heating system.

Earth friends at school

Explains what natural resources are, and offers suggestions to young readers on how they can use natural resources wisely at school, including turning off lights, recycling, sharing books and other materials, throwing away litter, using less paper, and other conservation efforts.

A bright idea

conserving energy
Discusses the depletion of fossil fuels, explains how power plants create electricity, describes alternative energy sources such as solar power and wind, and provides many suggestions for conserving energy at home and at school, presenting case studies of schools that have dramatically changed their energy use.

Energy and energy use

Presents an alphabetically arranged collection of entries that explore important people, places, events, and topics pertaining to energy and energy use.

The carbon crunch

how we're getting climate change wrong--and how to fix it
Examines the current state of the environment and the lack of progress in stopping climate change. Discusses why efforts to stop global warming have failed, and argues for a new energy policy that includes ending the use of coal, carbon pricing, and new technologies.

Alternate energy sources

Discusses alternate sources of energy such as the sun, wind, and water, which are both renewable and harmless to the environment.

Alternative sources of energy

Describes a variety of energy sources for the future, including solar, water, wind, and thermal power.

The children's solar energy book even grown-ups can understand

Presents the advantages of using solar energy for heating and other purposes, as an alternative to other costly, dangerous, and non-renewable sources of power.

Why should I save energy?

A power outage gives Robert the opportunity he needs to teach his friend and her family about the limited sources of energy, what would happen if energy supplies ran out, and some of the ways in which they can all help conserve energy.

Using energy wisely

This book explores how to use energy wisely and describes clean and renewable forms of energy such as sunlight, wind, and waves.


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