ethical aspects

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ethical aspects

Social media

does the good outweigh the bad?
"Social media platforms have become highly sophisticated in helping users make connections online. These connections can be positive experiences or can be negative and detrimental. Users need to be informed of the good and the bad of social media use"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Social media


a fan's dilemma
Claire Dederer ponders the questions of whether one can separate--and still admire--the great work of revered male artists and creators who have also participated in criminal or morally questionable acts.
Cover image of Monsters

The richest man in Babylon

the success secrets of the ancients : the most inspiring book on wealth ever written
Dispenses business and financial advice through parables told by a Babylonian scribe named Arkad, who discusses concepts such as paying oneself first, living within one's means, investing in what you know, saving for the long-term, and owning a home.
Cover image of The richest man in Babylon

Infectious generosity

"[The author] shows how the same technologies that have bred negativity can also be mobilized as an exponential force for good, to create chain reactions of generous behavior. Every day, remarkable stories of individual acts of kindness have sparked remarkable ripple effects when shared online, achieving a level of impact never before possible. This book captures some of the most inspiring such stories, revealing their potential to solve problems and make people happier in the process. [The author] offers readers a playbook to fine-tune these actions, to take generosity from invisible to transformative"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Infectious generosity

Paige not found

"As much as Paige hates the word normal, it's a pretty good word to describe her life, and the kind of night she was having just before a single email turned her world upside down. In an effort to better understand and communicate with their autistic daughter, Paige's parents . . . had a chip implanted in her brain that keeps track of her location and brain activity. It can boost the chemicals that affect her mood. Suddenly, Paige isn't sure who she can trust. Can she even trust her own mind anymore? Now the company that created her chip is days away from merging with the most popular social network in the world, one that has a reputation for selling people's private information to the highest bidder. Paige feels betrayed and like she's been robbed of her free will. But there is one thing she can do. The email includes the names and addresses of the other kids involved in the study. She can track them down and show them what's been done to them. Maybe together they can put a stop to this merger and figure out how to get their chips removed for good"--OCLC.
Cover image of Paige not found

Becoming bionic

and other ways science is making us super
This middle-grade nonfiction book uses superheroes to explore how science is transforming our bodies and our experiences. This book breaks down how superhero traits have been reflected in technological innovations throughout history, and how they could appear in the future. Jetpacks and rocket belts can help us fly like Superman. Prosthetic limbs and lab-grown human tissue mirror the regenerative powers of Wolverine and Ms. Marvel. But readers are also invited to think critically about these incredible, and sometimes controversial, advancements--after all, with great power comes great responsibility.

Unmasking AI

my mission to protect what is human in a world of machines
"Dr. Joy Buolamwini explains how we've arrived at an era of artifical intelligence harms and oppression, and what we can do to avoid its pitfalls"--Provided by publisher.

The He-Man effect

how American toymakers sold you your childhood
Presents a nonfiction graphic novel exploring how the marketing of toys targeted towards children in the 1980s has shaped adults in the present, and examines the role of capitalism, mass media, propaganda, and nostalgia in these advertising campaigns.


what is it and how to identify it
Whether false information spreads by ignorance and/or accident, or by misunderstandings, or by purposeful lies designed to fool people, all examples of the phenomenon share a common thread. Namely, they are potentially harmful to either specific individuals, or society in general, or both.

Exploring solutions

online disinformation and misinformation
Misinformation can spread like wildfire online, reaching people worldwide. Misinformation is driving increasing political polarization, endangering public health and communities, and increasing public distrust of the media, government, and other institutions. People are left unsure of what to believe and who to trust.


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