ethical aspects

Topical Term
ethical aspects

Organ transplants

Thirteen essays provide opposing arguments on issues regarding organ donation and transplants, including ethical questions, compensation for donation, the purchasing of organs, oversight of the U.S. transplant system, convicts being excluded from receiving transplants, and animal-human transplants.
Cover image of Organ transplants

The ethics of cloning

Contains ten articles that provide a varying perspectives on issues that relate to cloning; and debates the ethics of cloning, whether to ban human cloning, therapeutic cloning, reproductive cloning, and cloning animals for food.
Cover image of The ethics of cloning


the price of fast fashion and the future of clothes
"An investigation into the damage wrought by the massive clothing industry-and the grassroots high-tech global movement fighting to reform it What should I wear' It's one of the few questions we ask ourselves every day. More than ever, we are told it should be something new. In this era of fast fashion, the clothing industry produces 80 billion new garments every year and employs every sixth person on Earth"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Fashionopolis

Laboratory animals

Examines the history and controversy surrounding using animals for laboratory testing. Presents various issues related to the topics and the opposing view points related to each. Includes text-related questions and activities, diagrams, tables, and color photographs.
Cover image of Laboratory animals

Historical revisionism

Discusses the different forms and causes of historical revisionism along with the ethical, social, and scholarly concerns related to the issue.
Cover image of Historical revisionism


surviving sexual assault and a toxic gymnastics culture
"At two, Haines didn't know that she would be committing to twenty-one years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance-- and that she faced serious injury, emotional distress, and continuous sexual assault. Here she details her experiences as a competitive gymnast and the painful realities of being one of [Larry] Nassar's many victims. While examining a dangerously toxic culture that needs to be fixed, she tells how faith, family, and an army of survivors made healing possible"--Adapted from dust jacket.
Cover image of Abused

Families share values

Photos and simple text explain what values are and how families share them.
Cover image of Families share values

You can follow rules

cheat or play fair?
"In this illustrated choose-your-own-ending book, Kirsten is playing Hide-and-Go Seek with her sister. Will she follow the rules or cheat? Readers make choices for Kirsten and read what happens next, with each story path leading to different consequences. Includes four different endings and discussions questions"--Publisher.
Cover image of You can follow rules

Historical revisionism

"Discusses the different forms and causes of historical revisionism along with the ethical, social, and scholarly concerns related to the issue"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Historical revisionism

Chemical and biological warfare

"The international community has pledged to curtail development and use of chemical and biological weapons (CBW) in several agreements, beginning with the 1925 Geneva Protocol, but several nations are not honoring these pacts. Critics argue that CBW are crueler than traditional warfare methods and that they harm innocent civilians. But some experts say that CBW are less of a threat when compared to nuclear weapons. The authors of the viewpoints in this informative resource examine the use and efficacy of chemical and biological weapons, address who is using them, and suggest ways to prevent their use"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Chemical and biological warfare


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