ethical aspects

Topical Term
ethical aspects

Capitalism and moral responsibility

"The . . . viewpoints in this resource explore the tenets of capitalism and whether or not it is at odds with the development of a just and moral society"
Cover image of Capitalism and moral responsibility

Respect in sports

Demonstrates the game-changing power of respect. Readers will consider their own character and be encouraged to take it to the next level.
Cover image of Respect in sports

Arguments about abortion

personhood, morality, and law
Discusses the laws and morality surrounding the topic of abortion.
Cover image of Arguments about abortion

About abortion

terminating pregnancy in twenty-first-century America
"... Sanger distinguishes between abortion privacy, a form of nondisclosure based on a woman's desire to control personal information, and abortion secrecy, a woman's defense against the many harms of disclosure [and]... takes ... prejudicial views of women's abortion decisions into the twenty-first century by uncovering new connections between abortion law and American culture and politics. New medical technologies, women's increasing willingness to talk online and off, and the prospect of tighter judicial reins on state legislatures are shaking up the practice of abortion. As talk becomes more transparent and acceptable, women's decisions about whether or not to become mothers will be treated more like those of other adults making significant personal choices.--.
Cover image of About abortion

Genetic modification

should humans control nature?
Questions the moral and ethical aspects of genetic modification and examines the pros and cons of each argument.
Cover image of Genetic modification

Clean clothes

a global movement to end sweatshops
"The Clean Clothes Campaign is a worldwide movement that aims to improve the wages and conditions of sweatshop workers."--Publisher description.
Cover image of Clean clothes

The playbook

52 rules to aim, shoot, and score in this game called life
"Kwame Alexander shares poetry and inspiring lessons about the rules of life, as well as uplifting quotes from athletes such as Stephen Curry and Venus Williams and other exemplars like Sonia Sotomayor and Michelle Obama in this motivational and inspirational book just right for graduates of any age and anyone needing a little encouragement"--.
Cover image of The playbook

La econom?a explicada a los j?venes

Explains how the economy works and offers financial advice. Presented in Spanish.
Cover image of La econom?a explicada a los j?venes

Human cloning

A book about depictions of human cloning in science fiction as well as the ethics and possibility of human cloning in the real world.
Cover image of Human cloning

Is it wrong to eat meat?

Explores opinions on eating meat, discussing vegetarianism, vegans, animal rights, factory farming, environmental aspects, and more.
Cover image of Is it wrong to eat meat?


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