church history

Geographic Name
church history


surviving my years in the Westboro Baptist Church
Lauren Drain describes her experiences in the controversial Westboro Baptist Church, from joining the church at fourteen when her father moved their family to Kansas, to being banished seven years later when she began questioning the church's agenda.

Catholic theologians in Nazi Germany

Profiles five Catholic theologians who were born during the Kulturkampf, grew up during the Hitler era, and had a major influence on Catholicism in the English-speaking world.

A medieval monk

Describes a year in the life of the monks living in the great monastery of Cluny in medieval France, as seen through the eyes of a young boy who has just joined the monastic order.

Europe's inner demons

the demonization of Christians in medieval Christendom

American Catholic

the saints and sinners who built America's most powerful church
Describes the history of Catholicism's rise from an insignificant sect in the early nineteenth-century to America's largest and most influential church.

A shopkeeper's millennium

society and revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837
Presents a study of the religious revival that swept Rochester, New York in the 1830s, looking at the causes of the Protestant movement, and discussing its social, economic, political, and religious consequences.

A Religious history of the American people:

Second Edition
Chronicles the history of religion in the United States and discusses how religion has influenced the politics, society, and economy of America. Winner of the National Book Award.


Catholic nuns and the making of America
Examines the role nuns have played in the building of American society, discussing how they became the nation's first group of independent professional women.

The Crusades

failed holy wars
Examines the crusading movement of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and discusses the political, social, economic, and military reasons why efforts to take back the Holy Land for Christendom ultimately failed.

Increase Mather

clergyman and scholar
Chronicles the life of seventeenth-century Massachusetts minister Increase Mather, who fought for the original Massachusetts Bay Colony charter, and served as president of Harvard College; also includes a glossary and colonial time line.


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