church history

Geographic Name
church history

A shopkeeper's millennium

society and revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837
Presents a study of the religious revival that swept Rochester, New York in the 1830s, looking at the causes of the Protestant movement, and discussing its social, economic, political, and religious consequences.

The early Middle Ages

A collection of essays which study the social, political, scientific, and military developments which took place during the early Middle Ages.

The Spanish missions of California

Explores the history of the Spanish mission era in California, discussing the lengths to which Spanish priests went in their attempts to convert the native people of the region to Christianity. Includes photographs, a glossary, a time line, and resources.

Catherine de' Medici and the Protestant Reformation

Chronicles the life of Catherine de' Medici, wife of Henry II, discussing her childhood, years with her uncle, Pope Clement VII, arranged marriage to the son of the French king, experiences in the court, efforts to end the conflict between Catholics and the Protestant Huguenots, impact on French history, and other related topics.

Under God

religion and American politics
Explores the idea that religion is firmly embedded in the fabric of American culture despite the separation of church and state.

The late Middle Ages

An introduction to the late Middle Ages that identifies the era's defining characteristics, examines the political, social, and cultural trends of the period, and explores its impact on the modern world.

Inventing the "great awakening"

A study of the Great Awakening that swept New England in the eighteenth century, arguing that the religious revival was an invention of the colonists.

Religion in the age of Shakespeare

Examines the major religious themes and contexts found in William Shakespeare's works and explores how they reflected the traditional religious beliefs of his era.

The 1100s

Presents chronologically arranged primary and secondary source articles that examine some of the major political, social, and cultural events of the twelfth century.

Building the kingdom

a history of Mormons in America
Traces the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, providing information on its origins in a small New York town in 1830, early leaders, rites, traditions, and present international stature.


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