church history

Geographic Name
church history

The crucible of ferment

New York's "psychic highway"

A religious history of the American people

Chronicles the history of religion in the United States and discusses how religion has influenced the politics, society, and economy of America.

Brother William's year

a monk at Westminster Abbey
Contains illustrated diary entries on the daily life of a monk in Westminster Abbey.


Mormon city on the Mississippi River
Chronicles the history of Nauvoo, Illinois, where many Mormans settled after fleeing persecution and violence in Missouri in 1839.

The Vatican

and other Christian holy places
An introduction to Catholicism which focuses on the Vatican City.

King Henry VIII and the Reformation in world history

Traces the history of the Protestant Reformation and discusses the actions of King Henry VIII in starting a new religion in England.

How the Republicans stole Christmas

the Republican Party's declared monopoly on religion and what Democrats can do to take it back
Argues that conservative preachers such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and James Dobson, along with most Catholic bishops, have created a narrow definition of religion that pushes Democrats and liberals out of the fold, and pushes Democrats and liberals to reclaim religion and return it to its basic principles of social justice.

Roger Williams

prophet of liberty
A biography of Roger Williams, one of the founders of America's first Baptist church, discussing his achievements in the areas of religious liberty and Native American rights.

The Christian Scientists

Provides a history of Christian Scientists, covering their doctrines and practices, organization, place in American society, and changes in beliefs, as well as discussing the work of Mary Baker Eddy.

Church and state in America

Examines the different roles played by church and state in considerations of religion throughout the history of the United States, beginning with concerns of the original colonists through the current debate about religion in schools.


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